duminică, 12 iulie 2009

When you have to face the truth

Its hard to face the truth even if you always knew it and sometimes you've tryed to put youself in the situation of the things that you're afraid of becoming true. Last night I've realised that the lie I've tryed to keep in my mind for the past months and days has to end...so I stop doing myself harm..and the people around me.
Its not enough to love somebody with all your heart to be happy...and its not enough for him to love you...it all depends on 'how much' the other wants to be with you and fight for your smile. To see the smile of the person you love its the best gift you can recieve...and you can't buy it with anything.
I've been trough some hard moments lately...and I put it all on the lack of luck that I've always have and on the fact that the people around me, that I've always tried to help...now, turned their back on me...I trought till some days ago that things will be better...and that if I wish something and someone so much, it may come true...but I've realised once you go 2 different ways...that the distance on the road can't be made smaller with anything...that it becomes bigger and bigger every day...and every night...till the one you wished to fall asleep with every night doesn't even dream at your smile anymore...because he find another one...And that is the End of something...that you thought it was a love ...as a little child and you watched it become big...and took care of it.

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